So it’s official…it’s a gain!

I have hit a plateau!  I knew things weren’t moving right & the scale wasn’t going down.  So I gained 1.2 pounds this week.  But I think I have a good strategy so I am not upset.  It was bound to happen sooner or later, so rather than be upset I am being proactive.

Hopefully my plan works.  So here it is in a nut shell (ha ha, don’t even go there!!). This week I followed the diet for 4 days, I raised my carbs for 2 days & then I slammed my body with calories for 2 days.  Thus the weight gain!  LOL

The plan is to confuse my body!  I think my plateau hit because I wasn’t taking in enough calories for the workouts I have been doing.  I usually have between 1000 & 1200 calories per day!  Seemed enough for me.

So tomorrow I get back on track & see if I can move the weight forward again.  I know that the set back was temporary & not a big deal.  I am just happy that I had given myself permission to eat anything for the 2 days & I am not living on sugar now…don’t even really want any!  Mostly want healthy stuff, so that is growth & I choose to acknowledge the positive & let go of the negative.  It’s all good! Hope I kick that plateau’s butt soon!

Til next week…

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4 Responses to So it’s official…it’s a gain!

  1. Phil says:

    You go Kit-Kat….always solving your own problems. Keep up the good work, you are always on top of this challenge, and I don’t foresee that to ever change….”It’s All Good”. Everyone is supporting you and your efforts…….Go Get ‘Em…Girl…Luv Ya!!

  2. Darlene says:

    It’s a good plan,let it go and move on,it’s a marathon not a sprint!

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