
I have spent the past twelve years of my life on hold and living everyday with fear because of my illness of chronic pain and fatigue!  I feared if I pushed myself I would become disabled and not have a quality of life for myself.  I feared my illness would change my relationships around me and it did.  I lost many friendships, relatives were tired of hearing about my illness and family was discouraged that I had so many health problems, boundaries and limits.  My illness interfered with everything in my life.

Even my doctors were telling me to surrender to the fact that I would have the illness the rest of my life.  Some even said it was all mental health, all in my head, while others pushed medications.  I searched everywhere for the doctor who could believe in me, I found him in Pittsburgh, PA.   He gave me my life back and made me healthy enough so I had the energy to fight the fight.

I fought hard to help myself and have been very successful.  I still have the illness but the illness no longer has me!  I work full time, I am an avid motorcyclist , I facilitate a support group for chronic pain and fatigue and I participate in life more each and every day.   Now I need to lose the weight to complete my goal to enter into a new healthy lifestyle.

So my goal is to lose weight, become healthy, be active every day and most of all stop sitting on the side lines.  I want to participate in life once again with love and enthusiasm!  All of these things will help me with becoming pain and fatigue free.  That’s my goal…simple!

With everyone’s support I can loose the weight and feel better.  I deserve that so on October 15, 2011, I will begin my new life with skinny me!  Won’t you join me for the adventure!

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