So I figured it out!!!

I am up 14.6 pounds since the Biggest Loser program ended over a year ago.  I was at 162.6 pounds when the program ended and I am now at 177.8 this morning.  So I now have an idea of what I have to do and you bet I will be doing it.  No more self talk saying, “I can’t and it’s too hard”, I am doing this.  I CAN DO IT!  I WILL DO IT!!

I am on the 2nd day of counting calories, it’s going well.  Yesterday I had just under 1400 calories.  I also shopped today for all of my snacks & food.  I checked the calorie count on what came into the house.  I had a 2 mile walk this morning. I have my smoothie maker ready for the times I need a treat.  I have my small dinner plates out to help with my portion control.  My salads are made for the week.

I’d say I am ready and armed with the most important thing…my mind set!

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