OMG what a work out tonight!

Well I have to say the workout was brutal to night.  I think we ran at least 4 miles or more, climbed stairs & bridges, did jumping jacks, bridges, planks, sit ups, crunches, squats, lunges, sprints & and holy crap that was just in the 1st hour and a half.  OMG it was so tough.  The trainers really stepped it up. WOW!

I guess the only thing that makes it worth while is I came down on the scale again this week even after my cheat day today!  I may need to correct this number next week but if I remember right & who knows if I do after the brutal workout I think I may have lost 2 more pounds!!! Yippy…I am happy with that.  It so paid to take my head out of the game!

So that means I am down 49.6 pounds!  I may actually go over 50 pounds by next week if I behave on our little mini vacation to see the Celtic Women concert this week!  So in order to make my Birthday goal I need to loose 5.5 pounds in a week…LOL, stranger things have happened I guess!  We will see next week!  Wish me luck, I really need it at this point!  Maybe some really good prayers!


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1 Response to OMG what a work out tonight!

  1. Phil says:

    Well, my dear little women…sorry we were so busy with work and the phones tonight after you came home from your Biggest Loser session. We didn’t even get a chance to visit with one another…:(. Yeah!! for you and your progress and for the fight in you to keep on going on. You are still doing this journey, and like you said, now that you have changed your thinking, slowly but surely, and little by little you managed to lose some more unwanted weight…good for you my dear. Even if you don’t lose the 5.5, and make your (very high) goal of losing 55 lbs., you will have done good regardless of which (weigh) the scales tip next week. You can certainly hang your head up high my dear little woman….because in my book you have done a fantabulous job.

    You embarked on this endeavor back on October 15, 2011, and a few short months later you have managed to shed close to 50 lbs. so far!!!! That my friend is nothing to sneer at, let alone be disappointed…you knew before you started that your original goal was high, and very hard to attain, but you had it set in your mind that you could do it. You are harder on yourself than the trainers ever thought of being. You knew from the git-go that if you set it high, that you would kick yourself in the arse to get it done…it was a motivational goal for you, to kind of keep you in check…..well guess what you achieved that as well…Yeah for you!!!

    You have made your whole family very proud, and I’m sure a few others as well. This will be a special 55th (speed limit) Birthday for you, the new you, and you have full right to be proud of your accomplishment. Yes, losing 5.5 by next Monday is a lot to ask, but you never know….I myself wouldn’t put past you, plus I’ll bring some ex-lax with us on our trip…..and by golly if we have to stay at the room and miss the Celtic Women concert so you can be close to the Porcelain God, so be it..lol1 I’m willing to sacrifice that for you…Lord knows you sacrificed enough in the last few months.

    Anyways, I’ve written a book, so I will sign off and say a few prayers for you in hopes you attain your goal….and if you don’t I’ll still know you were “Tenacious like Bull”, and fought this all the way to the end….YOU GO GIRL!!! Good luck and Gob Bless you always!!!

    Love Always,

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