Well it’s Monday nite again!

I rocked another week…lost 4.2 pounds this week, makes up for the wee gain last week!  So that puts me at a grand total of…drum roll please…35.2 pounds in less than 3 months.

So hopefully I won’t plateau cuz I am over 1/2 way to my goal for the program end (April 15th) of 65 pounds!  And only 20 pounds to go by my Birthday goal of 55 pounds by March 19th! I so got that goal under control!

This week is a great week…got lots of my clothes taken in, now I have clothes to wear!  Makes my life so much easier everyday.

It is still hard to believe how well I am doing.  I am beaming with pride!!!

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2 Responses to Well it’s Monday nite again!

  1. Phil says:

    You go Kathy……..You continue to do a superb job week after week, even during the holiday season, you did not let that deter you from your goal. It’s take a pretty tough cookie to stay away from the cookies (pun intended) and sweets that were floating around not only at the house, but the numerous gatherings you attended. Like I have said before, you are focused and you are not allowing anything to get in your way of your set goals. Keep up the great work and pretty soon you won’t have to mend your clothes, because you’ll be at you goal weight, and then go on a shopping spree to buy some new ones……well deserved if I might say. I am proud of you!!.:-)

  2. Darlene says:

    Way to go girl!You should be beaming!

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